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Well, here we are, in February already and all things Skandi continue to inspire us.

After the ‘hygge’ of winter, we like to take inspiration from another Swedish word, 'Lagom’ which, in English means, ‘to have just the right amount, not too much, not too little’!

In this world of excess and all the stresses a modern lifestyle seems to bring with it, this simple expression is so refreshing and liberating and sums up the Swedish psyche beautifully.

Lagom is going to be our theme for 2022 and we intend to apply it to all things, not just material ones. At the beginning of the year, we’re bombarded with celebs telling us how good they are and telling us what we should be doing which usually involves buying their book too! Well, that’s all very nice for them but what's going to work for you in your world?


Our skin can change over time; stress, what we eat, hormones! Skin's needs can change, and it can, without warning, change its mind too! This is a perfect time of year to review and refresh your skincare routine.

Don’t forget if you’re unsure or need advice, just get in touch with us for your personalised skincare recommendations. 

We offer generous sized low cost samples in our skincare range so you can try out different products too. You can choose sample sizes on each of the face product pages.

Great skin starts from within and now is a good time to give your diet a quick once over by thinking of the 4 core pillars of wellness;

Are you getting enough fresh veg and fruit?

Could you cut back on sugar and processed foods?

Are you drinking enough water?

Are you getting enough sleep?

Lagome - get outside & refresh

The cold air of winter and being indoors a lot more with heating on can dry out skin. PC and tablet screens emit a light which also has a drying effect on skin. A quick anytime fix is to spray one of our organic toners on your face for an instant moisture hit.

Don’t be afraid to apply a little extra moisturiser to those areas which may need it such as cheekbones.

Get outside when you can, in natural light for a good paced walk - no phone gazing! Natural light is so important to our skin for vitamin D and to our body’s circadian rhythm for a good night’s sleep. Look around, breathe, be in the moment and enjoy the sound of silence. Listen to the sound of your feet hitting the ground.

Just a couple of good walks a week can help reduce stress, cholesterol and improve posture and muscle strength leaving your skin a glow and your body will love you for it! 

Enjoy your 'lagom', Rebecca x

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