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Best Buy Award from Ethical Consumer

Best Buy Award from Ethical Consumer

There is a huge amount of fake news and 'greenwash' around words like 'Ethical' and 'Conscious' at the moment.

Many large retailers and manufacturers see that this is an area of commercial growth as it is of huge interest to consumers and decide to jump on the bandwagon, but without delivering on the promises!

It is therefore really difficult for a consumer to decide who is actually offering genuine ethical products. Every day we make choices according to our views and ethics. 

Ethical Consumer has been at the heart of the ethical movement for over 25 years.

They can help consumers shop more ethically, with tools, resources and information. In addition they campaign to make businesses improve supply chains and publish online (and in their magazine) great score reports on the good / bad guys.

We are delighted to announce that the entire Conscious Skincare range has been given 'Best Buy' status by Ethical Consumer after a full and independent audit.

Conscious Skincare scored higher than many other companies, you may be surprised how other skincare brands did!

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