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Ren duftfri kropsvask

This scent free body wash is designed for use on your body, face and hands. It is made using a natural castile soap base and suitable for sensitive skin types.

Suitable for sensitive skin




Pure Fragrance Free Wash – ingredients list.

  • aqua
  • potassium oleate*
  • potassium cocoate*
  • glycerin*
  • potassium citrate
  • citric acid
  • oenothera biennis (evening primrose) seed oil*

*denotes organic    

Cruelty free / Vegan friendly / Palm oil free / Gluten free / Wheat free / Soya free

Dimensions: H15cm W5.5cm 235ml size.

How to use

Using Pure Wash.

  • Apply a small amount of fragrance free body wash to wet skin, lather, and rinse thoroughly. Avoid getting into eyes.
  • Follow with Pure Lotion or Pure Butter to moisturise.
  • Please note this is a glass bottle and must be handled carefully! 


Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Claire Sawyer
Fragrance free body wash

This is a great body wash. You only need a small amount to create a lovely lather. Also mild enough to use as a face wash. Highly recommend

Helen Martins
Pure luxury

I hate the cold, and I hate cold water, but this summer I have persuaded myself to go in the sea, as I live 30 seconds from the shore. The persuasion has worked, and I've ended up thoroughly enjoying the water, even on chilly windy cloudy days. The reward for this effort is to come back to a hot shower with the Pure Fragrance-Free Body Wash. It is rich and creamy, foams up beautifully, and is the perfect antidote and finale to my swims. Thank you. Another five star product!

Claire Sawyer
Body wash

I've bought this body wash previously & highly recommend it. It's gentle enough to use on my face & leaves my skin feeling soft. Will definately buy again.

Linda B
Skin loving

Bought this as it came EWG recommended & as I have extremely sensitive skin & struggle even with some oils/perfumes even the natural products. This feels luxurious for hand washing & also add few pumps in the bath, doesn't dry hands or body. Being made in Wales & fairly close to me, means it's also a more eco conscious purchase. Love too that there's a larger option so bottle is refillable. Another great purchase from Conscious Skincare, thank you! ☺️

Angela Hampson

It is non drying and cleanses without having chemical ingredients

En parfumefri kropsvask designet til alsidig brug. Fantastisk til dit ansigt, krop og hænder. Formuleret med en blid og naturlig castilsæbebase.

Hvordan fungerer denne Duftfri Body Wash?

  • Denne blanding indeholder minimale ingredienser til følsom hud. Den er også parfumefri og duftfri.
  • De naturlige og organiske ingredienser renser din hud blidt uden at tørre den ud. Der tilsættes intet for farve, duft, fyldning eller blegning.
  • Vi har tilføjet Nighting Primrose Oil til denne vask, da den hjælper med hudens blødhed. Den er let, absorberer godt og hjælper med at holde huden hydreret. Et højt fedtsyreindhold hjælper med at opretholde en god hudsundhed.
  • Det er også helt fri for hårde ingredienser, herunder syntetiske konserveringsmidler, natriumlaureath-sulfat, parabener og phtalater.

Ren duftfri kropsvask er også EWG VERIFIED™. Den opfylder derfor EWG’s uafhængige vurdering for gennemsigtighed og sundhed.

Du kan også læse mere om de ingredienser, vi vælger ikke at inkludere på vores ingredienser, som vi undgår side.

Vi anbefaler at bruge vores Pure Lotion i kombination med dette produkt og anden naturlig hudpleje fra duftfri række.

Denne duftfri kropsvask er perfekt til alle hudtyper og præsenteret i en dejlig 235 ml genanvendelig glasflaske med dispenseringspumpe (valgfrit). En 500 ml miljøvenlig refill fremstillet af 100 % genbrugsplast er også tilgængelig til fremtidig påfyldning.

Vores Body Wash-serie er kåret som 'Best Buy' af Ethical Consumer. 

Vi er også certificeret af Vegetarian Society, PETA og stolte over at vise Leaping Bunny Cruelty Free-logoet .


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